Wednesday, February 22, 2012

freezer paper 'screen printing'

Using this freezer paper ‘screen printing’ technique you can personalize some of your projects! So gather your supplies….
{What you need}
Freezer paper
Fabric paint … or acrylic paint and textile medium
Sponge brush
Utility knife

{What you do}
Choose a design {the simpler the better} or words.
On the freezer paper I drew my word free hand…. Use a computer image for your template if you like!

Using a utility knife cut out your design. Don’t forget about any inside details {like the middle of an O}.

Iron the freezer paper onto the fabric.

Using the fabric paint {or mix your own with textile medium… follow directions on bottle} and sponge brush, dab or gently brush inside your design.
This may take a few coats.

Let dry and lift up the freezer paper. Press with an iron.

All done!
The possibilities are endless!


  1. Thanks for posting this tutorial! I just did some baby onesies with this technique for Father's Day and they are amazing! c:

  2. LOVE your ideas. Super crafty but easy enough for my kids to do.
