Friday, October 19, 2012

hello again!

Hello blog friends!
I know. It has been a while. Life got a little busy around here. My new teaching position is going so great! I have been really focusing on my job these past two months. I have still been crafting! But writing posts have been put on the back burner. I have even had some projects go out the door to family and friends without taking pictures of them! Oops! I do have a couple of posts lined up to show you my projects these past few months!

One project I have been dying to share is a wedding gift for my cousin that got married in August. Between finishing the project, mailing the package, complications with the post office, and then mailing the package again, it has finally arrived at their house and I get to post about it!

I wanted to do something personal for their gift. I have had this tree idea in my head and I just needed to execute it somehow. I decided to make an embroidered picture to hang in their home. A tree with their initials and their wedding date inside a heart....

I first traced the tree on some paper to get an idea of what it would look like. Then I transfered it onto some fabric with a pencil. Then I got to embroidering!

I haven't embroidered anything in a long time and it was fun to get back to it!

I wrapped the fabric around the glass of the frame and popped it in a wooden frame. 

Enjoy newlyweds!


Shared at..


  1. OMG! Only ONE comment?!! Good for you Debra!! Come'on people!! This is an Extrordinary craft!! Great idea!! I don't even remember HOW I found you but am SO glad I did!!! I am going to do this for my Daughter #3 who is in Germany right now (USAF) & expecting her first baby!!! She & her Hub will LOVE this tree as they are as romantic as I & apparently you too!!!!
    Thanks for this idea!!

  2. It's lovely and surely will be a well loved keepsake. Thank you for joining in the fun at the Thursday Favorite Things hop. Happy Sunday wishes xo

  3. I don't suppose you might be interested in making one for sale? M cousin really likes this and they are getting married in December. Please email me at if you would be interested/willing to make one for purchase, thank you!

  4. was this a machine or by hand?
