Tuesday, June 26, 2012

fabric roses

Here is a simple fabric rose that you can use to embelish items in your wardrobe. Attatch them to a purse or bag, hair tie or hair pin, or make it into a pin and pin it to jazz up a shirt.

They are quick to make and can be made in any fabric. I used a red poly satin fabric for these roses. They are going to be attached to some clutch purses that I made.

You will need...

- long strip of fabric
- glue gun and glue
- sewing supplies
- safety pin

What you do...

Cut your fabric into a long {one yard or so, the longer the strip the bigger the flower} narrow strip, about 1.5 - 2 inches. {My in the picture is A LOT shorter than the fabric I used for the final flower.}

Fold strip in half with right sides together and sew along one side.

Pin a safety pin to one end to help turn the fabric right side out to form a tube.

Shown right side out...

Take one end of the tube and start forming the flower by rolling up the fabric using hot glue.

Twist the fabric, glue, roll. Repeat. Twisting the fabric gives the flower more texture. It doesn't matter wich way you twist it, I do both ways to give it more texture. Keep doing this with the entire length of the fabric.

When you get to the end of the fabric tuck it under and glue the end to the back side of the flower.

If you are adding a pin or hair piece to the back you can add a piece of felt cut to the size of the flower to the back to cover up the ends.

Super simple way to add to your accessories or wardrobe!

They can make them any size, just shorten your fabric to make a smaller one or use an extra long strip to make a large flower. Strips of fabric can also be sewn together to make a longer one.

Happy project time!


linked up here: I Gotta Create . I Heart Nap Time


  1. Thank you so much for posting this tutorial. I was just looking for a tutorial like this last week and then this showed up in my reader! I will be pinning this and using it for sure.

  2. This is so fun...my girls will love this!

  3. They are very beautiful Stacy! Bet they'll look great on the clutch. Thanks so much for linking up at I Gotta Create! <3 Christina

  4. Oh, they are so beautiful Stacy! Tqsm for posting this tutorial. =)

  5. So pretty. Gonna try these on a throw pillow. Thanks for your posts/tutorials!!!

  6. I came across a "Satin Rose Embellished Tote by Valentino" which is obviously way beyond my budget, and I found your tutorial for satin roses perfect for the job... I'm bookmarking this page, and will let you know if and when I finish the project... :)

  7. Thank you so much for the great tutorial, I make some flowers for mother day, my friends loves them!!!
